Test poziomujący

Strona główna / Test poziomujący


1. I ___ a student of English.

Correct! Wrong!

2. Tim and Sue ___ teachers.

Correct! Wrong!

3. ___ she like sport?

Correct! Wrong!

4. She ___ jeans to work.

Correct! Wrong!

5. There is ___ butter in the fridge.

Correct! Wrong!

6. We ___ to New Zealand when I was six.

Correct! Wrong!

7. Is Chinese food ___ than Thai food?

Correct! Wrong!

8. We walked ten kilometres so we ___ hungry now.

Correct! Wrong!

9. You ___ drive a car in the centre of town. It isn’t allowed.

Correct! Wrong!

10. He ___ to move to another country.

Correct! Wrong!

11. ___ you like a coffee?

Correct! Wrong!

12. I’m not keen on ___ .

Correct! Wrong!

13. What ___ tonight?

Correct! Wrong!

14. I ___ dinner when I heard a strange noise.

Correct! Wrong!

15. How long have you ___ him?

Correct! Wrong!

16. Children spend ___ hours watching TV

Correct! Wrong!

17. She worked as a teacher in ___ Africa.

Correct! Wrong!

18. My brother ___ passed his exams.

Correct! Wrong!

19. What ___ happen if he doesn't get here in time?

Correct! Wrong!

20. I’d do more exercise if I ___ time.

Correct! Wrong!

21. He’s French but he ___ in London at the moment.

Correct! Wrong!

22. He ___ there before so he found it very exciting.

Correct! Wrong!

23. Do you think they ___ the championship?

Correct! Wrong!

24. Swimming is one of the ___ ways to get fit.

Correct! Wrong!

25. I can't work if I ___ very hungry.

Correct! Wrong!

26. He ___ see the film if he went with an adult.

Correct! Wrong!

27. How long have you ___ the violin?

Correct! Wrong!

28. I’ve just seen ___ perfect car for you!

Correct! Wrong!

29. What ___ if you hadn't been there?

Correct! Wrong!

30. She said she ___ to do it last weekend.

Correct! Wrong!

31. They ___ in a large house for twenty years before moving to a bungalow.

Correct! Wrong!

32. Her parents are very proud. She ___ a fantastic job in a well known law firm.

Correct! Wrong!

33. You should ___ what to do when you get to the office.

Correct! Wrong!

34. My car’s just broken down for the third time. I wish I ___it.

Correct! Wrong!

35. How many people have climbed ___ Mount Everest?

Correct! Wrong!

36. If you lend me €200, I ___ you back at the end of the month.

Correct! Wrong!

37. This time tomorrow, they ___ in San Francisco. How exciting!

Correct! Wrong!

38. They told ___ start work the following Monday.

Correct! Wrong!

39. You’d ___ late for work again or you’ll get fired.

Correct! Wrong!

40. I wasn't keen on the restaurant ___ we went to last weekend.

Correct! Wrong!

Test poziomujący
Poziom A2
Twój poziom to A2 - średnio-zaawansowany, wypełnij formularz - razem wybierzemy odpowiedni kurs dla Ciebie!
Poziom A1
Twój poziom to A1 - znasz podstawy angielskiego, wypełnij formularz - razem wybierzemy odpowiedni kurs dla Ciebie!
Poziom B1
Twój poziom to B1 - zaawansowany, wypełnij formularz - razem wybierzemy odpowiedni kurs dla Ciebie!
Poziom B2
Twój poziom to B2 - zaawansowany, wypełnij formularz - razem wybierzemy odpowiedni kurs dla Ciebie!

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